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 Petage de durite ...

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2114 messages postés
   Posté le 16-12-2005 à 09:26:09   Voir le profil de Laurhidil (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à Laurhidil   

Mes posts ont été effacés ! Inacceptable !
77 messages postés
   Posté le 16-12-2005 à 21:49:48   Voir le profil de Blindeur (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à Blindeur   


Bienvenue dans le monde de la gestion à l'anglo-saxonne !

Et encore, nous avons de la chance et ce n'est pas si grave, on aurait pu habiter en Irak...

2114 messages postés
   Posté le 17-12-2005 à 09:30:08   Voir le profil de Laurhidil (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à Laurhidil   

Aujourd'hui j'ai donné ma démission en tant que scout et publié la raison sur le site de Sabertooth:

Sabertooth ve peut-être l'effacer donc le voici...

I'm sailing west!

I have decided to leave the shores of the scout realm.

I have been there since the first days of LotR TMG and initially I really enjoyed participating to the development of this game.

I did it locally, in France, by organizing the very first tournament and by creating both a website ( and a dedicated forum.

I did it also globally by having an English version for the Laurhidil web site and creating a sophisticated tool to manage the growing LotR TMG collection (Samwise). I also wrote numerous articles and scenarios for the French press (Codex Arcanum RIP, Lotus Noir RIP and more recently Ravage), ensuring to LotR TMG a quite significant exposure compared to biggies such as Heroclix or Star Wars.

Initially Sabertooth provided enthusiastic support and I will never praise enough STG people like Tiffany or Captain Miller. This fuelled our own enthusiasm and prompted us to do even more.Things changed progressively as the game progressed in its life cycle. Maybe it was because some of the initial excitement vanished and some unexpected issues appeared (production delays). Maybe it is somewhat also related to GW imposing a tighter business approach.

Whatever the reason we saw some changes and not all of them for good. Dave Freeman did quite a decent job at managing the new sets and having some of us participate to testing. On the other hand some of the logistics became quite difficult (I'm speaking mostly for Europe, even though I read some similar issues for the US as well). Late or missing prizes, wrong figures, difficulties to get redemption figures. STG started also to be less open on the boards, maybe getting tired to see people complain about the issues. It is not that the situation was becoming extremely bad, it is just that the initial standard set by STG was very high, at a level seldom seen in the industry.

Nevertheless we continued to support the game in the best way possible, trying to work around the issues. Starting at the beginning of this year, I got quite tied up by my work (spending most of my time traveling across Asia). I couldn't easily update the Laurhidil website and focused my attention on the forum. My fellow scouts in France and Belgium in the meantime were doing a great job at organizing tournaments on a regular basis. I organized with their help the second French championship in October giving again excellent exposure for the game at the largest game show in France. I thought it would be good to have such an event a few weeks before the release of RotK and therefore boost the sales of the last expansion.

Well, I'll pass on the fact that the prizes for the French National arrived about 2 weeks after the event, this is a minor issue compared to what we were going to experience. I wrote an article on RotK for Ravage (Tina failed me for the last time on this one but I got outstanding support from Zoe Wedderburn in the UK). It is when I sent the championship report to Kevin and asked him about the availability of RotK in France that I learned the news that have been a tremendous shock for all of French (and Belgium) loyal fans: "Regarding the Return of the King expansion, I have some very bad news - we have sold out of the expansion and our French distributor did not order any of the set. As a result I find it unlikely any French store will be stocking the product. You'd be best to look at buying it online from somewhere outside France I'm afraid."

Unfortunately despite the immediate mobilization of all the fans and our favorite shops to call distributors in Germany, the UK and the US and try all the on-line shops all over the world we couldn't find any booster case. It was too late and we were just adding ourselves to the already long list of people that couldn't get their hands on RotK boosters!

It is extremely frustrating for a collector to have spent about $4000 on a collection that you don't have any chance to complete. It is also extremely frustrating for a player to have an incomplete game.
Finally it is unbearable to have done all of these efforts as a scout and feel betrayed so much by Sabertooth. Why feel betrayed? For 3 reasons.

1) STG did a poor planning of the quantities necessary for the last set. From what I have seen on the STG boards we are not the only one that were not able to get RotK boosters. Even shops and players in some regions of the USA were unable to get access to any product.

2) STG knew that there was an active community of players in France and Belgium (they were shipping tournament kits to scouts every months and we organized the 2nd French National in October). Nevertheless STG didn't secure product availability in France. I understand they had issues with the French distributor Hexagonal (and I'm not going to question that), but STG didn't identify alternate channels. Basically we were left out in the cold. To make thing even worse and even though we have quite a few scouts in France, none of us has been made aware of the situation. We learned about it because we asked the question as we were worried about getting RotK in time for Xmas, unfortunately it was already too late to react.

3) As we were ready to order at least 30 cases and saw that a lot of people world-wide didn't have access to RotK we asked what it would take to have a 2nd run. We were ready to accept that maybe the number of required cases would be too high for us all to reach. But we will never know. The answer has been bluntly: we won't do it. I strongly suspect there are other issues that what we have been told, maybe related to the LotR license or to Games Workshop. Anyway we will never know, and as STG found the issue too embarrassing posts have been moved around (from the General forum to the scout forum) or downright removed from the boards.

This is not the STG I enjoyed initially and loved to support.

This is why I'm sailing west, leaving the shores of the scout realm (my resignation has already been accepted and is already enforced). I will continue to serve the player community through the Laurhidil web site and its two forums. The French one and the recently revived English forum that will stay up well after LotR will have disappeared from the STG boards in March.

As many have already done you are welcome to join us at:

See you there!
VRP en questions à 1€
Seigneur Nain
522 messages postés
   Posté le 17-12-2005 à 20:03:08   Voir le profil de mykael (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à mykael   

Ben... Quand même bon jeu à tous pour cette fin d'année...
Désolé que les fournisseurs de ce jeu (que j'ai toujours trop trouvé "marketing" "brouzouf" ) oublie la France.
Cela dit, vu le manque de prise en compte de nos avis... Ce n'est qu'une demi surprise.
Bonne chance à tous sur E-Bay, et joyeux Noël quand même. .

Tu peux donner une traduction de ton dernier post s'il te plait patron. Bicose no spiking angleash...

Merci d'avance et merci d'assumer jusqu'au bout ton rôle de scout n°1.

Message édité le 17-12-2005 à 20:06:51 par mykael
861 messages postés
   Posté le 21-12-2005 à 14:36:54   Voir le profil de soft-bug (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à soft-bug   

Je ne suis plus scout officiel ... Voici mon dernier message sur le forum scout STG :


A poetic way to give up ...

They were few in number, but the look in their eyes told all who beheld them that they would leave this day only in victory or death [Manowar]

Now as i die surrounded by oathbreakers ... I take my last breathe and shoot : FREEEDOMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!

Please let me accomplish my fate and do not allow me to be a scout anymore ...



Je pars en vacances ce soir ... JOYEUX NOEL A TOUS !!!
2114 messages postés
   Posté le 21-12-2005 à 21:30:09   Voir le profil de Laurhidil (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à Laurhidil   

mykael a écrit :

Tu peux donner une traduction de ton dernier post s'il te plait patron. Bicose no spiking angleash...

En substance : on a fait beaucoup de choses pour vous et vous nous avez laissé tomber en ne produisant pas assez de Retour du Roi et en ne mettant pas en place de distribution pour la France. En conséquence oubliez-moi en tant que scout, je vais me contenter de servir la communauté des joueurs du mieux possible...
VRP en questions à 1€
Seigneur Nain
522 messages postés
   Posté le 24-12-2005 à 11:44:40   Voir le profil de mykael (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à mykael   


Seigneur nain ! Seigneur nain ! Est-ce que j'ai une gueule de Seigneur nain ?
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